Friday, July 17, 2015

Trump Your Cat #TrumpYourCat

this cat is a victim of the "TrumpYourCat or "Trump Your Cat" fashion craze sweeping the internets
See the video below regarding #TrumpYourCat...

"Trump Your Cat" or #TrumpYourCat is the latest fad sweeping the internet...

another victim of the #TrumpYourCat or "Trump Your Cat"

"Trump Your Cat" or #TrumpYourCat victim #3

"Trump Your Cat" or #TrumpYourCat victim #4

Though most people making these #TrumpYourCat or "Trump Your Cat" memes claim they are making fun of Donald Trump it may be an elaborate plot by Trump and his people to garner sympathetic publicity for his presidential run...

a 3rd "Trump Your Cat" victim

#TrumpYourCat "Trump Your Cat" YOU'RE FIRED animated gif

Here's what the future may look like if Donald Trump is elected...

Donald Trump HATERS GONNA HATE meme